Day 211: Isn't it lovely that when the calendar says that it's finally Spring that nature decides it is too!? Today the grass looked greener and the little white & purple wild flowers sprouted making my backyard look so happy! Yay!
Day 212: I actually did it folks, I took down the Christmas tree!!! Then I got into full on Spring cleaning mode with the rest of my house!
Day 213: This is a new nail polish I got! I keep seeing these pale shades of pink polishes and had to purchase one for myself! (Peter Piper Picked...) This color is called Easy Going by Sinful Colors. It took about 3 coats before it covered properly and since it's so pale it is not very forgiving for someone who doesn't polish neatly (me)! I like it okay, but may try finding a better color next time. Also, I got to work today at a dental office I've worked at before! It's nice to know that they'll call me up when they need someone and found out they want me to work a week for them in May!
Day 214: Got another call this morning from another dental office saying they need me! Feels great to be loved! haha It had been raining this day, but the sun came out so strong when I was driving home that I needed to put on my sunglasses for the first time this year!
Day 215: So I went to a "working interview" for the pediatric clinic that I regular interviewed with before. They say that they work so differently than a regular dental clinic that they wanted me to come in and make sure it would be a good fit for all. They are totally paperless, so I had to get used to their computer system and what they enter into that system, which was the major part that was different. The other dental hygienist there said that I did really well with that cause it took most of them a lot longer than it did me in just that one day. I hope that will make me look good, not only that but all my other qualities as well!
Day 216: My television in my living room has been on the blink for the last month or so, and with that is my TiVo, which you know I can't live without! So I've been recording all my shows to watch on my parents TV. Anyway, Phil came over this weekend and said he wanted to mess with it. He turns the TV on and it is working perfectly fine. Just him looking at it. This is not the only time this has happened, and it is pretty weird. Also, I actually ran at the Y today for the first time since I hurt my ankle! I didn't try to push myself cause I was afraid of hurting it, but I did pretty good!
Day 217: Today was my daddy's birthday!!! It just so happened that Phil and I were getting some more free cupcakes (and brownies this time) from another bakery for our wedding tasting. This is a pic of the brownies, which may look okay and all but they did not taste good. They were more like cake (and you know by now Phil does not like cake), but they were not good tasting cake, and the cupcakes weren't good either. So this was a FAIL on being dad's birthday treats, but luckily Phil and I made brownie cupcakes (brownie mix poured into cupcake tins and baked) the night before that turned out deliciously! Too bad we ate all of them before I forgot to get a picture of them!
Hope everyone had a good weekend, I did even though it was entirely too cold for me!
Those free desserts look amazing. Seriously, I think the tastings are my favorite part of wedding planning! Free, delicious food? Heck yeah!
I like that nail polish and the cupcakes look good. Too bad they didn't taste good.
Have you found a bakery yet? That's exciting! yay for working!
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