My very first Black Friday experience was not so bad this year, it was actually really fun! I went with Phil, his parents, and his sister. We left the house around 10:30pm and went to Walmart first. Their door busters started at midnight. Phil's family was successful in their shopping and we all sort of helped eachother out.
Phil and I went looking for the $1.96 dvd section. I asked a random girl around the dvds if she had seen them and she said they were over there (pointing the opposite side of Walmart). And, in fact, she was actually hovering over them and pointing me in the wrong direction. This was the only act of unkindness I saw the entire time, but I found what I was set out to find.

I got all 3 of The Lord of the Rings movies for $1.96 each!

The Notebook for $1.96!

And P.S. I Love You for $1.96!
After we went to Walmart, we had a while to wait before any of the other stores we wanted to go to was open. So we went to the Toy-R-Us that had been open since 10pm. We heard that there were 1,000 people in line here when they first opened so we were happy it wasn't that long when we got there. When inside, we found that the checkout line started at the entrance and wrapped around the whole store. We did not purchase anything here.
Next up, we went to the mall. Some stores were already open. Not ones I really cared to go to though. Phil and I walked around for a bit and waited for Radio Shack to open at 4am. We were in the front of the line and got the only 2 -500MB Portable Hard Drives they had, so we got them for eachother for Christmas. We also got a new wireless keyboard and mouse for my parents.

Portable Hard Drive originally $99.99, we got for $50.00 each!

Wireless Keyboard and Mouse originally $29.99, we got for $19.99!
This last purchase was when I went off with Phil's mom and sister. We went to the Shoe Carnival and they gave out so many $10 off coupons for the first so many customers, so I figured I'd find some shoes that weren't very much money so I could spend as little as possible with the money off.

Beaver Creek shoes originally $34.99, on sale for $17.49 but got them for $7.49 with my $10 off card!
After that we left the mall and went to go find somewhere to eat at 6am. After eating, we stopped by Kmart. Then we headed home. By this time we got home and in bed, it was 8:30am! I had officially been awake for more then 24 hours! We then slept until 4:30pm, got back in bed at 2:30am, and woke up again at 2pm. It has been really hard to get back into a normal sleeping pattern, so maybe I can try to remedy that in the morning.
Did anyone else go out for Black Friday?
Were you successful?
What did you get?
you are a brave girl. i can't deal with all of the madness, but it seems like you got some rad deals.
change will do you good...
I got the gps I was wanting and two dvds that I had set out to get! I'm jealous of the price you paid for PS I love you! I've been dying to see that movie.
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