Let me try to give you more of a description of the cabin. The outside of it was pea green with a silver roof. There was no assigned parking spaces, just grass and a place where we had bonfires. When you walked in the door the first thing you saw were 2 bunkbeds in the kitchen. It had an old timey refrigerator and stove, a cardtable and 4 metal folding chairs. There was a very small tv with antennae on top the fridge that we could never find a channel on. Next to the sink was a wall where all the people who used the cabin to hunt wrote with sharpies the description (their name, what point the deer was, etc) of their hunting experience.
The room next to the kitchen was bedroom #1 with another bunkbed that led into bedroom #2 with yet another bunkbed. There were no doors into each of the rooms. In #1 there were always these old wooden skiis propped up in the corner. This was the coveted room to sleep in cause it got heat from the floor heaters in all the rooms. In #2 there was a sliding door. When you opened the sliding door, there was the toilet. When you closed the sliding door to the toilet, on the other side it opened to where the sink and shower combo was! hahahaha This always cracked me up and it was SO awkward! So if someone was showering, you couldn't use the toilet without the door open. I wish I had pics of this to show you people cause I don't think you are believing me!
Writing this post makes me extremely nostalgic and I wish I could go to our cabin right now... I will continue this "The Day We Had A Cabin" post with a part two next week!
Aw, what ever happened to the place? It seems like it was a fun spot to go to.
Stay tuned for next week!
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