Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Happy Birthday To My Baby!

I love you baby!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Week #5

- So I had a pretty good week! Did you do anything fun this past week?
Friday, September 24, 2010
The Day I Got In Trouble

...well, whichever had the quietest table with their heads down got to go out on the playground first. In my mind, that was all that mattered! The red chair table got to go first... "I can't believe she picked them!" said my 5 year old mind. I was so upset that I slowly eyed the teacher, while still keeping my head down, and stuck my tongue out at her. She saw me! Panic went through every cell in my body. That meant that the yellow chair table got to go next and then finally the blue chair table, my table, but not me!
I was lectured and made to sit on the wall during recess while I watched all my classmates have so much fun. How terrible is that!? My teacher also told my babysitter, who picked me up at the end of the day. I remember begging her not to tell my parents, but that didn't work very well even though she felt sorry for me. Well, it must have taught me a lesson though because I never got in trouble in school from here on out!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
PPQ: Rouge Gagne
If I should fail, what poverty!
And yet, as poor as I
Have ventured all upon a throw;
Have gained! Yes! Hesitated so
This side the victory!
Life is but life, and death but death!
Bliss is but bliss, and breath but breath!
And if, indeed, I fail,
At least to know the worst is sweet.
Defeat means nothing but defeat,
No drearier can prevail!
And if I gain, -- oh, gun at sea,
Oh, bells that in the steeples be,
At first repeat it slow!
For heaven is a different thing
Conjectured, and waked sudden in,
And might o'erwhelm me so!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
If You Know The Notes To Sing...
I hope everyone has a Happy Tuesday and first day of Fall! Found this over at a new blog I found called Thoughtful Day.
Now, I knew Julie Andrews and The Sound of Music could bring a smile to your face!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Week #4

Friday, September 17, 2010
The Day I Won The Lottery

They then took out the quarter machine so I turned to the vast array of scratch-off lottery tickets! Now, don't get me wrong, I am definately not a hard-core gambler of any sort. I would usually play one quarter, get a couple out of the machine, play them for a long time and stop before I ended up losing money. The same with a scratch-off, I only bought one or two in a month's time, if that.
So one night I was visiting Phil and decided I wanted to play a scratch-off. I got a $1 ticket first and won back my $1. So I decided to go for a $2 Keno scratch-off ticket next, and unfortunately lost that one. This night I was feeling lucky so I went to buy another $2 one, a TV Guide Crossword one to be exact, and Phil tried to talk me out of buying it. I got it anyway and ended up scratching off 9 words to win $700! Here is an example of what it looked like:

I had to go to the Lotto office in Charleston to claim my check, along with WV Lottery t-shirts and hats! Don't play as often anymore since Phil no longer works at a gas station, but occasionally I'll purchase one with a delicious Jolly Pirate donut and a best friend!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Week #3

Day 15:
This was one of those glorious days you get at the end of the summer that feels like autumn is right around the corner! Phil and I drove around the back roads around where he lives with the windows down and listening to live music on the radio (oxymoron, I know).Friday, September 10, 2010
The Day I Got A Note

Anyway, I was in 8th grade the day I got this particular note and was walking to the band room. One of my friends gave me this note and said they want me to read it by myself. So I walked down the hall a little ways and unfolded the note shaped like an envelope. On the outside it said: "Mariah Private". The note began with a "Dear Mariah" then went to talking how we'd been friends now for a while and how he'd really given this some thought. It said that in the beginning he liked me but then other people swooped in there and started dating me first. Then last night he had a dream where we were dating and it brought it all back. It ended with, and I quote: "So now I'll pop the question: Mariah, will you date me? Cause honey you must be tired you been running through my mind all day long." And it was signed with his name which will not be disclosed since many people reading this blog may know who he is! I randomly think of this note and it always makes me laugh! It's like a guy in a bar throwing out pickup lines, but so innocent since we were so young!
Isn't that note so middle school?
Did you ever pass notes?
Were you ever asked out in a note?
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
PPQ: Wise Words
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people,

For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.

People, more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed.

As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself and the other for helping others.
— Audrey Hepburn
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
No Luck Yet

(Picture depicts how I am happy for experience and feel good for burning some calories, and sad I feel like I let people down, have messy hair, and ultimately do not have money. I promise I did not have a stroke.)
Monday, September 6, 2010
Week #2

- Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend! Wasn't the weather awesome?!?!
Friday, September 3, 2010
The Day My Papa Passed Away
"I am 80 years of age today, I am still alive, and hope to live longer. However, I would like to leave a parting word, other than the usual words. I wish to speak about common sense (surely, there are people who don't think I have any), but I'm trying again to speak about common sense. When I was 20 years of age, just a few days from being 21, I was drafted to enter World War II. I had a job at the Nickel Plant making guns and other war materials. I didn't have to enter the war, but I wanted to stop Hitler. Enough said, I became a crew member on a B-24 Liberator Bomber, doing 24 combat missions before being shot down, having parachuted and losing 5 of my buddies (crew members) that day. The theme in those days was to stop Hitler! I was 21 and was sure Hitler was the cause. Slowly, over the years, my common sense finally began to awaken!!! It wasn't Hitler alone, because it takes many to create an abomination. Evil has no gender, nationality or race. It takes thousands, if not more, of evil people to band together to steal lands, enslave and persecute others. Let us hope today that we use our common sense to not become followers of evildoers. Evil is the absence of good. It is the void of light (knowledge) in the hearts of men. As I have told my children, God made billions upon billions of people, and each with a different brain. He wanted us all to be different. However, it takes the approval of a lot of people by silence or by actions to make evil... Malcolm"
HUGH MALCOLM HINSHAW became a prisoner of war for 14 months that day in World War II. He saw the sorrows, as did many young soldiers. Survived by his wife, Mary Rose Martin, they were married for 56 years. They had worked hard to build their first home together (he dug the basement by hand and she pushed the wheelbarrow), raised their three children Cheryl, Hugh and John, and loved their daughters-in-law Marcia and Sandy, and three grandchildren, Mariah, Nate and Zach. As he would like to say, he was a one-house builder until he joined forces with his sons to form a company. Retired at the time of his death, he continued to enjoy the gift of life. Funeral services will be conducted 2 p.m. Thursday, January 31st, 2002...
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Cross Fingers, Toes, Anything You Can Or Will Try To Cross...

Soooooo... after being eligible for a job now for 2 months, I finally have an interview today at 2pm! I am so excited, nervous, and READY to get this job! I talked to the dentist on the phone and he seemed really nice. He also told me he had some interviews yesterday and will have one this morning before me. Please wish me mucho luck cause I gotta pay the bills some way people!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
PPQ: Feeling Summer