Monday, September 20, 2010

Week #4

To see previous Pic-a-Day posts you can go here.

Day 22: Sadly, this was the season 3 finale of True Blood. Now I have to wait all the way until next summer to see it again! I've been thinking that I will now have a True Blood marathon since I own seasons 1 & 2 and have 3 on my TiVo. Did I tell you this already? Cause I think I may be repeating myself, but oh well... I love True Blood!

Day 23: These are some pretty flowers mom and I got the previous week that were still really pretty! They felt really fall-ish to me!

Day 24: Apparently, Kroger thinks it is National Ice Cream Month. So to verify it, I looked it up and Ronald Reagan declared July National Ice Cream Month in 1984 and National Ice Cream Day is the Third Sunday of July. Kroger, I enjoy your eagerness to have ice cream recognized every month because I am ice cream's biggest fan! I declare it National Ice Cream Year every year!!!

Day 25: So as you can probably tell, I did forget to take a picture this day. But I can tell you mom and I went to go see the movie "Eat Pray Love". It was pretty good, but it didn't inspire me enough to wanna go out and buy the book to read.

Day 26: Yay! Pumpkins are out at the Kroger, along with their friends the mums and cornstalks!

Day 27: This is the third time I went to Kroger this week! This is what Phil and I found in the international aisle... yes, it says "Spotted Dick" and apparently it is a pudding... ew.

Day 28: Chilifest! I tried so many chilis and each was really good and it was for a good cause - The Ronald McDonald House! Phil got some chili too and this one guy asked if he wanted extra hot sauce in his and of course Phil said yes. So this guy proceeds to put a heaping teaspoon of this black sauce on his chili and Phil stirs it in! Phil took 2 bites, threw it away, bought and chugged a bottle of water until I told him to eat some crackers. I've never seen him not like something spicy so much!

So yeah, I went to Kroger 3 times this week... and I really did cause the first time mom and I went, then I went to pick up some stuff mom and I forgot to get, then Phil and I went cause we wanted to make quesadillas for dinner but didn't have some stuff I needed for a recipe I found online. I think it is my official record, but that could be broken! Hope everyone had a great week and I'll try to remember next week to take a pic every day!!!

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