So, I got this in an email from my best friend,
Adam, today. It had this
link to the Herald Dispatch, our local newspaper in Huntington. It is describing how the McDonalds in Kenova, WV is offering a Valentine's Day Special. A meal for 2 for $9.99 all with candlelight, music, and a photograph! Does anyone else find this hilarious but me? I told Adam that Phil would absolutely LOVE this since McDonalds is like his favorite place to eat in the world (besides a BBQ called Little Richards in NC). I am not the biggest fan of Micky D's. All the menu items I've ever liked get taken off. Anyway, I may find myself at the Kenova McDonalds on February 13th from 5-7pm.
I'm watching The Bachelor right now and I'm finding it extremely boring compared to past seasons where there are home dates. I'm rooting for Gia mostly but think Jake is totally enamored with Ali, who I quit liking after she talked about Vienna constantly. Tenley is okay too, but don't think she is ready for such a big commitment right now. Vienna is just annoying. Maybe everything will change in the next hour of the show... it's supposed to be dramatic!

My roomie and I ventured out to the Kroger today to get out of the trailer! I got my favorite Kroger sushi and finally broke down and got the Maybelline Eye Studio eye shadow that I've been wanting for some time now. The color is called Irresistable Ivy and I'm excited to try it out!
I dug my car out today but broke roomie's shovel in the process! I'm hoping school will be canceled tomorrow since we are expecting 8 more inches of snow in the morning! C'mon WVU! What's another day?
P.S. Today has been 1 year since Phil proposed and I said yes! You can read about the proposal here!
OH.MY.WORD. McDonald's Valentines Day Special?!? ONLY IN WAYNE COUNTY! :-)
I didn't care one bit for Ali, especially after she talked trash about Vienna and then even MORESO after she sobbed about leaving. Girl, where is your self-respect? Honestly, in this economy, it's NOT the time to leave your job on a 25% chance some boy will love you. Personally, I think she just wanted him to say "yes, you're gonna be the one" so she could win!
OK that valentine's special is ridiculous!! But I'd totally go just so I could tell that story later on :)
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