Day 134: My parents made a huge pot of beans and some other fixins and invited the rest of my family over for a New Year's feast! It was quite delicious, but I don't think I've been that full in a really long time.
Day 135: I decided to get out my new sewing machine this evening. To tell you the truth, it kind of intimidates me! This is a pic of my new sewing box I got with it!
Day 136: Today I had an interview and got to wear my new suit jacket. I think the interview went pretty well except that they dwelled on the fact that I don't have much experience. I tried to let them know that I don't know how I am going to get the experience unless someone gives me a chance to prove that I can do the job. Not too excited if I get it since it is about an hour from my house, would have to hurry to find an apartment a little closer, and it only pays okay (because of my lack of experience, according to them). I do need the job, money, and experience badly though.
Day 137: The nephew of my old babysitter, Anna, emailed me today to tell me Anna wasn't doing very well. We went to visit her and it was sad cause she isn't the old Anna I'm used to seeing. This is a pic of my 3 grandmothers, Anna is in the middle with me on her lap.
Day 138: My mom, maid of honor Sarah, and I went wedding dress shopping today! It was a lot of fun but felt very strange trying on the dresses. The girl that was supposedly helping us didn't do a very good job. I felt like I was being rushed and she didn't care about me finding my right dress, just trying to make a sale for herself. This pic isn't the dress I liked the best (I didn't buy anything today), but this is the dress Sarah liked a lot. I didn't like it because of the tulle and the fluffiness.
Day 139: Sarah and I got to hang out again today since she was still in town. We went to eat at Cam's Ham, one of our favorite places. Then we went up to the mall to look around.
Day 140: Phil and I went to eat at Bellacino's for the first time and it was pretty tasty. I found it funny that there were so many of these lights all grouped together in a small area.
Well, that was my week! It was busy, but I got a lot accomplished. Hope you all have a great upcoming week!
I was really nervous when I first started wedding dress shopping. It was king of stressful. I sort of liked it when the people at the store left me alone and just try on what I wanted.
I'm glad you had a great week! Good luck with the job. I hope you get it. I wish employers realized they need to provide experience...I have a few friends who have been in that vicious cycle before...
Good luck with the dress search as well! I can't wait to see what dress you eventually choose. I know it will be magical. :)
Cams ham is literally one block from my house! I love that place!!!
Good luck with the job! I hope you get it!
I totally would have noticed those lights, too. They are hilarious!
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