Friday, January 27, 2012
Shape it up!
I have started to pick up more workouts this week than my usual one or two. I went to zumba on Monday and Thursday, ran at the Y and lifted weights on Tuesday, then I did the bootcamp today (Friday). I may start taking some different classes at the Y, instead of going to the zumba on Mondays. I hope I can keep all this up after I go back to working again.
I have also decided to cut down on my portions during meals, try not to snack late at night, and only drink pop on the weekend. Phil and I have been planning our weekly menus the week before, and making up our shopping list with those meals in mind. This has helped on cutting costs at the store each week.
Here is our new favorite recipe for our crockpot:
1 cup dry lentils
1 cup carrots (chopped)
1 cup celery (chopped)
1 cup onion (chopped)
1 cup smoked turkey sausages (chopped)
4 cups vegetable broth
Season with salt, pepper, & cumin
Place all ingredients in the crockpot on LOW for 6 hours.
We are addicted to this right now, it is super easy, and before we made it Phil, had never had lentils before! I had never used cumin while cooking and now I love it! So good!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Our Babies
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Valentine's Wreath
Friday, January 20, 2012
I Had A Dream...

Very fitting for this week, but not what you may think. A couple nights ago, I had a dream about Jake Pavelka, you know the pilot guy who was once "The Bachelor"? It was pretty weird and I can't even remember what it was about, except that maybe the song "On the Wings of Love" may have been in it! But, after I woke up from that dream I kept going in and out of sleep thinking about how to write a blog on my love for the show. I did tell you I didn't feel good in the beginning of this week, right? haha One of my ideas was a list of how you knew you might be addicted to "The Bachelor/Bachelorette"... so I am just going to try that idea! Here goes...
- You have dreams about past cast members of the show! (obvious addition to the list!)
- You can't wait for Monday nights!
- You watched Miss America just because you love Chris Harrison!
- You follow Chris Harrison and Ben Flajnik on Twitter!
- You root for the girl (or guy) who is in your profession to at least not be crazy!
- You follow past bachelors/bachelorettes after their shows! For example: did you know that Kasey Kahl, you know the guy that wanted to honor & protect you, was arrested??? Click here to see his mug shot! Also, go here to see who will be the next Bachelorette!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Since I last blogged, on Friday we celebrated mom's birthday with some yummy garlic mashed potatoes I made! They turned out really yummy and I found the recipe here.
On Saturday, Phil and I went to his work party at the casino/dog track. I finally got to play the Sex & the City machine there and ended up making $10! Woot!
Sunday, we did nothing except go to Subway, which we should make into a place we regularly go out to eat instead of some other places we go. It will save us some money and be a healthier choice.
I need to start working out again. Last week I went and pushed myself to run a faster mile, then my hip hurt. So I didn't do anything else the rest of the week. Now I don't feel good, so I guess I am just making excuses now for not doing anything. Tomorrow, my plan is to go to Zumba! I miss it!
I still plan on making my Valentines' wreath! Stay tuned!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Just to let you know...

- Tomorrow is my mom's birthday! Happy Birthday Momma!
- I am going to attempt to make some scrumptious garlic mashed potatoes to bring to mom's birthday dinner and I need a recipe! Anyone know a good one?
- I am going to be decorating a Valentine's Day wreath for our door, and I think I will take some pictures to show you all!
- I am hoping I wake up to some snow in the morning, but that the roads are okay cause I don't wanna worry about my hubbo driving to work!
- I got woke up to work this morning and I get to work Monday too!
- I love you friends! Have a happy day!
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Thank you husband! You done good!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
The Hunger Games Movie Trailer!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Book Review: Matched by Ally Condie
Matched by Ally Condie is about a "perfect" society designed to keep everyone happy and healthy, at least until their 80th birthday. Cassia is a girl who lives by the Society's rules and trusts they know and do what is best for it's citizens. On the eve of her 17th birthday, Cassia has her Matching Ceremony, where she comes to find out that her perfect match is her best friend, Xander. This is rare to be matched with someone you already know. Her faith in the Society waivers after that ceremony when she is confused by a glitch in her microcard that supposedly has all the info about her match. Xander's face appears, then fades away, and another boy's face appears... and she knows this one too.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
12 Goals for 2012

1. Learn to quilt!
Well, there they are!