We love our new place that we have together! It really is pretty perfect for us as newlyweds! It is pretty spacious with a good amount of storage space and is in a great location that makes us feel pretty safe! What more could you ask for our first place? It does have some quirks, but nothing we can't handle!
Enjoy the tour!

The front of our new place, here it shows our fall decorations.

This is what we see when we walk out our front door. This is where we and our neighbors park our cars, but beyond that is just an empty field. We are on a dead end gravel road and our landlord lives in a house at the beginning of our street.

This is what we see out our back door. There are some nice pine trees blocking the view of some houses which is nice and we also have another rather large field and a little patio.
Our Living Room
It is rather spacious and we need a coffee table badly (which we are most likely getting for Christmas), but right now the Christmas tree fills it in nicely. I hate our couch, which I have had forever, but that will have to wait until our pockets are a little heavier! The couch has this beautiful quilt, a wedding gift my friend Jeff's mom made us, on it now!
Our Dining Area/Phil's "Command Center"
Our table doesn't get used much right now cause it is so busy, but Phil uses it to play on the computer while I watch television.
Our Kitchen
...with 70's gold coutertops and a gross built-in cutting board (that we cover up!) that we are sure was placed there when the apartments were built in the 70's. The closets hide the washer/dryer and the pantry. Say "hi!" to the fishies!
To the upstairs!
Our Bathroom
...complete with 70's gold toilet and tub!

Our Office/Guest Room/Phil's "Man Cave" "Man Cave" because that is the room where Phil keeps his guitars, video game station, and his closet, because I took the 2 closets in our bedroom :)
Notice the other very special wedding quilt on the bed that was a gift from his grandmother that she entirely hand sewed for us!
Our Bedroom
...with humidifier (because it is extremely dry in there, never experienced that before!) and the same comforter they had on this season's Biggest Loser! haha We noticed that about 2 weeks after we purchased it! Please excuse the mess!
Well, that's it! I still need to put pictures up and decorate a little better! I feel like I can't get that part put together. I hope once I get our wedding pictures printed that alot of them can fill our blank walls!
Any tips for me for decorating?
We too have yellow gold tub and fixtures in our bathroom...and I have the exact same bird shower curtain from Target hanging in there!!! Pinterest is bound to give you some great ideas for not much $$. I love Pinterest!!
hahaha! That is too funny! The shower curtain even has a little bit of that gold in it that I didn't realize until we put it up next to the tub! I love Pinterest too, that is how I got inspiration for my bedroom that isn't quite finished! Hope you all have a Merry Christmas with the family all there!
I think it's a great place! If I don't get my transfer soon I'm going to need to know if they have any more open!!
I think they actually might right now! Let me know if you need more details!
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