Day 50: I went to a pumpkin patch with Phil and his family! I don't know how I have not heard in the last 5 years that we've been together that there was a patch 5 minutes from where Phil lives. I got a lovely green pumpkin that now, a week later, is orange. Oh well!
Day 51: Columbus Day was a lovely fall day! This is a pic taken while I was driving Phil to get his rental car.
Day 52: These are my new feather earrings (Adam!) I got at the Pumpkin Festival the weekend before and my new favorite shirt of the season. Today I went driving around with my friend Lee and we ate lunch in the park!
Day 53: I also got these concord grapes at a market the past weekend and they are so yummy!
Day 54: This is most likely the location of my wedding ceremony! Right there on that patch of grass in front of the pond.
Day 55: Phil took me out to eat to an italian restaurant we have never been to for our anniversary. This was a couple days after our dating anniversary, but it was on the day that marked exactly a year before we are getting married! This picture was in the bathroom of the restaurant and I found it an odd place to be (plus an odd place for me to take a pic!).
Day 56: We treated ourselves to some Maggie Moo's this fine Saturday! I got the kiddie-sized cotton candy that turned my lips and teeth blue, but it was pretty tastey!
Where did you get Maggie Moo's at?!?!? I love that stuff!
I love it too! There is a Maggie Moo's at Cooridor G in Charleston!
Beautiful pictures! (as usual)
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