TUESDAY, APRIL 13th - The new season of GLEE begins! This show is awesome and takes me back to my short-lived days of being in show choir [band]. Total band geek here, geeky enough to be in the show choir band! haha I love musicals anyway, plus I love acapella music and tv shows, so why not love this one?!

SUNDAY JUNE 13th - TRUE BLOOD Season 3! Oh. My. Goodness. I simply cannot wait until this comes back on. I just bought the most recent book to come out in paperback that has to do with this show, so I'll probably read it (and maybe reread some of the ones that came before it) soon to get me even more pumped up for the show! I'll do this but I try to take the book and television show as two separate stories because many things are changed. This is one of the few times I can do this cause I love them both so much! P.S. I'm not much for blondes, I'm more for the dark-haired guys, but I guess that is different with vampires cause I am totally for Eric! Anyone else with me there?
And finally, I've decided to give up on American Idol this season. I'm really not all that impressed and have lost interest. The only person I think should win is Crystal Bowersox, and if anyone else does I don't really care all that much anymore. I used to like Andrew Garcia a lot but he keeps going downhill. Maybe I'll just watch the finale.
I love Glee!! I'm so happy it will be back soon!
I don't know what I would do without my TiVo.
That's the way I feel this year about Idol. I wasn't impressed from the beginning & didn't watch. I feel like a lot of people are feeling the same way this year!
I love Glee too and am very excited for the return. My Tivo is going to be working overtime since I watch Lost though also.
Um.....I love me some True Blood and the Sookie Stackhouse books. I know the newest book is coming out next month and I can't wait to get it!
I love True Blood and Eric so much. I can't wait.
Welcome to SITS. We're happy to have you.
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