Monday, April 26, 2010
No More Drama Please!

Thursday, April 22, 2010
You love me! You really love me!
With this award I am supposed to list 10 things that make me happy:
1. Being home in Huntington.

8. Going to the beach with my family.

10. Autumn

Now I am supposed to tag 10 people to give this to, so I am tagging all my followers yet again since I only have 13 people to give it to and don't want to leave anyone out!
Another update about my life at a later time!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Wickedly Good
Today my roomie and I made a trip to the local liquor store to pick us up some Everclear. We are planning to have a pre-party shindig at our place before our dental hygiene formal this Saturday. We are making some punch called Purple Jesus. Sounded yummy, and we decided we wanted purple drinks since the dental hygiene color is purple. Anyway, I have never made a punch with grain alcohol in it so I hope it turns out okay and not nasty like some I have tasted. Here is the recipe we are using. I'll let ya know how it turns out and get some pics too.
In other news, I am going on a tiny trip tomorrow. For a my independent study class, we are going to Snowshoe to spend the night then get up and go to some schools to teach them about good brushing and flossing. This program is called Lessons in a Lunch Box. I love a good sleepover so this will be fun.

AND the Glee premiere was on last night and it was so good! I love Idina Menzel and had no idea she was going to be a guest on the show! She played Elphaba in Wicked and Maureen in RENT (my favorite!) on Broadway AND is married to Taye Diggs (luck-y!)! She is gorgeous and has a beautiful voice too!
And now I will leave you with this tidbit about myself: I love the Kroger sushi!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Tag! You're It!
- Open the oldest (oldest) photo on your computer library
- Scroll to the 10th photo (I'm taking this as the 10th oldest photo on my computer)
- Post the photo and the story behind it
- Tag 5 more people to continue the thread
Here goes...

hahahaha No lie! This was my 10th oldest picture I could find on my computer! This is just about 10 years ago (summer 2000) after my bestest friend Adam and I graduated from HHS. We went to Myrtle Beach with my family and just had to get this ole timey picture made! Probably the most serious faces you'll ever see from both of us in a pic! Pretty awesome if I do say so myself!
Now, I'm supposed to tag 5 people to do the same, but I just wanna tag all 11 (woo-hoo!) other of my followers:
- Danni at LambAround
- Sarah at The Princess & the Blog
- notquiteawake at Worth Getting Up For
- Sarah P at Naked Cupcakes
- JMJE at Making Stuff is Fun.....
- Carri and the gang at Our Little Corner of the World
- Jennifer at Crazy Shenanigans
- Miranda at Hangin' Loose with the Tucci's
- Amanda at It's Blogworthy
- Adam at Life Around Shepherdstown
- Rachel at Daily Musings from Yours Truly
Sooooo... TAG! You're it!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Television Exitement and Not So Much
TUESDAY, APRIL 13th - The new season of GLEE begins! This show is awesome and takes me back to my short-lived days of being in show choir [band]. Total band geek here, geeky enough to be in the show choir band! haha I love musicals anyway, plus I love acapella music and tv shows, so why not love this one?!

SUNDAY JUNE 13th - TRUE BLOOD Season 3! Oh. My. Goodness. I simply cannot wait until this comes back on. I just bought the most recent book to come out in paperback that has to do with this show, so I'll probably read it (and maybe reread some of the ones that came before it) soon to get me even more pumped up for the show! I'll do this but I try to take the book and television show as two separate stories because many things are changed. This is one of the few times I can do this cause I love them both so much! P.S. I'm not much for blondes, I'm more for the dark-haired guys, but I guess that is different with vampires cause I am totally for Eric! Anyone else with me there?
And finally, I've decided to give up on American Idol this season. I'm really not all that impressed and have lost interest. The only person I think should win is Crystal Bowersox, and if anyone else does I don't really care all that much anymore. I used to like Andrew Garcia a lot but he keeps going downhill. Maybe I'll just watch the finale.
Monday, April 5, 2010
I've been super busy and I will tell you a little about that now.

Then came Easters. Two Easters. On Saturday, Phil and I spent time with and ate dinner with my family. We colored eggs, hid them and hunted them with my little cousin, and I tried to find a board patient out of my family members. No luck there! Anyway, I was hiding the eggs with my little cousin and she went in the grass and dumped them all out of the basket and started putting them "night night". She was covering them up with leaves, then she said she was putting Dora on, and pretended to turn off the lights. It was too cute! That is how many of our eggs ended up being cracked, but they served their purpose.
On Sunday, before I left to go back to school, Phil and I ate with his family at his grandmother's house. Very relaxing and I didn't want to leave :(
So that should be it really to catch y'all up! Oh, and WVU lost in the Final 4. Didn't watch it but heard it wasn't pretty. No comment really. Not a basketball fan or a WVU fan, but do support WV! haha Alright, enough already :)