- What free time I have is on the weekends, and that is when I actually get to spend time with Phil... so it really isn't free time anymore.
- I am tired when I get off work and usually have to take my workout clothes to work with me so I won't have to go home to change beforehand. This doesn't give me the excuse to stay home and not workout. To tell you the truth, I haven't really got online that much at all except to occasionally check emails, job listings, and fb stalk... oh and there was this whole researching caterers thing...
- So the so-called wonderful caterer Phil & I thought we had called me once in a 5 month period. He had promised, when we had our tasting, to email me a list of things we had discussed (food, plates, glasses, silverware, etc.) with prices for each. That never happened. Phil went to the restaurant repeatedly and told him I needed that email. Never happened. I got the call about 2 1/2 months ago with a total price, he said he'd email me the breakdown. Never happened. Phil continued to visit him and the last time he said he'd email me that night. Never happened. The next day, I called myself and the guy that answered said he was working on it now and would email me in the next hour. Never happend. It never will now cause we got us a new caterer! I let that charade go on for much longer than I should have, but it is okay now and the new caterer is great! I was just a wee bit stressed about that one!
- I had been working for 3 months for a hygienist on maternity leave. The people there loved me (yes, I'm tooting my own horn) and the other hygienist is wanting to go part-time, but for some reason the boss man thinks it will be a lot of work for her to do this, so he is resisting... for now. I have an insider, a mole, who is keeping me informed of these details as they progress. It sure would be nice...
- That job ended 7/27, I had last week lined up for another hygienist going on vacation, and now I'm getting ready to start another maternity leave for 6 weeks in an office I never worked before! So that will take me up until around 2 weeks before the wedding! I just pray something comes from all this. I really, really need it!
- I am obsessed with watching tv. Yes, I watched The Bachelorette. I figured she'd pick JP, but was really loving Ben. I felt really bad that he was so confident. So yeah, tv/tivo has over ruled my online time. There is also Flipping Out, So You Think You Can Dance, Design Star, True Blood... omg I'm addicted again! I think I had mentioned here that I was not going to let the tv rule me, but sadly(?) it has yet again. Okay, I'm not sad about it! Judge all you want.
- I am still planning the wedding! And the closer it gets to the wedding, the more things that need to get done. I feel like I've been pretty well organized, but there are just some things that have to wait until the end.
Future excuses:
- more tv
- more wedding stuff - dress fittings, invitations, hair/makeup trial, meetings with other vendors...
- more work
- more tired
- more stress
- more working out
I apologize in advance to the few followers I have accumulated, and hope you'll bear with me!
And I have a small request: If anyone finds a cute pair of reasonably priced grass/kelly/clover green high heeled shoes for my wedding that are cute and preferably 2 1/2 inches or less, please send me the link/store to find them! It would be appreciated :)
Oh, and the last update to the blog I made wasn't even supposed to be posted cause I had planned to add more to it. Oh well!
Work and TV are good excuses for not blogging. I'm currently addicted to Zappos. Here is a search I did for you. You can ignore the cowboy boots. http://www.zappos.com/women-shoes/CK_XAcABAeICAgEY.zso?s=goliveRecentSalesStyle/desc/#!/women-green-shoes/CK_XAToCmw1CAowDqgEDAgMEwAEB4gIFARgIBxU.zso?s=goliveRecentSalesStyle/desc/
Thanks for the link! I might like the cowboy boots... nah! haha
Yay! I'm so glad to see you blogging! That first caterer sounds awful! You'll have to let me know who you ended up using because... well we'll see lol.
How exciting that the wedding is getting so close. I'm glad that you're working and the possibility of a job might be there permanently!
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